Our Customer Support and Response & Repair teams are experiencing high demand following Storm Éowyn
This can include behaviour that targets members of identified groups because of perceived differences (e.g. race, religion, political affiliation, disabilities or sexual orientation.)
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the PSNI immediately, you must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to the PSNI, please contact us with the crime reference number and the officer’s name so we can work with them to agree the next steps with you and the PSNI.
Radius Housing will treat any racial, sectarian harassment or harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation or disability as a form of nuisance or annoyance likely to cause alarm or distress.
You can find help and support from the National Stop Hate UK website and 24 hour help line 0800 138 1625.
Whilst you can make your report using our online ASB form. There may be a delay in picking up your report; therefore you may wish to contact us by phone instead to discuss this matter during office hours.
The Northern Ireland Hosing Executive have compiled a useful Hate Harassment Toolkit which can be found here.
If you feel you are unable to return to your home you can contact the NIHE to discuss temporary accommodation options. For more information, visit: https://www.housingadviceni.org/homelessness/help-emergency